501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization
· VITC Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance Meetings
· VITC Holy Spirit Soaking and Renewal Retreats
· VITC Worldwide Podcast Program
· VITC Prophetic Evangelistic Outreach
· VITC Bless His Creation
· VITC Prophetic CD and Book Store
Pastor/Prophet Rusti Anne Kennedy
Senior Pastor and Founder
Pastor Rusti Kennedy is a Christian, Holy-Spirit filled, Ordained Prophetic Minister residing in the USA. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Child Life Therapy. After years of service and Biblical training, she received her Ministerial Credentials in the office and anointing of a Prophet. In 1998, Pastor Rusti founded "Voice In the Cool Ministries TM". She has been in full time ministry with VITC since that time.
She has traveled to several countries throughout the world, ministering the love of her beloved Jesus Christ at many unusual venues, as well as, churches, conferences and on the streets. She has appeared on television and radio, now hosting her own Christian radio program. She has hel regular VITC Outpouring Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Meetings in Southern California, plus special Holy Spirit inspired workshops, healing retreats and prophetic evangelistic events.
With a strong conviction to establish and release emerging ministries, she developed Leadership Ministry Credential program. Calendar 2010 marked the first year of her efforts with two new Pastors ordained and spiritually covered through VITC to fulfill their destiny in Christ.
If you ask her though, she will tell you that at heart, she is the same girl that fell in love with Jesus as a child. Her nose pressed against the glass, and eyes toward Heaven, she asked Him so many years ago if she could follow Him around and watch Him work. “Gratefully” she amazes “His answer was ‘ yes’.“
Ordination: Pastor Rusti Kennedy was ordained in the office of the prophet through Rhema Christian Center, Golden, Mississippi, USA on October 23, 1998
VITC Ministry Officer
Ryan Kennedy
Marriage and Family Therapy, M.S., Licensed LMFT
Intercessory Prayer Team
Steve and Alyce Kennedy, Diana Trepesowsky, Laurie Wensinger, Debra Fetter, Grace and Si Chul Sung,
Ministry Colleagues Praise/Worship and Prophetic
Pastor David Hild and Pastor Joy Hild
David's Joy Ministries
Ministry Media/Broadcast
Debra Toberty
Rise On Eagle’s Wings Ministries