"All of nature groans for the coming of the Lord"... Romans 8
I love this original painting by a young artist named Brianna. The eyes of the tiger remind me of eyes I've seen before. They remind me of the Lord's eyes. In her depiction of the tiger Brianna has captured a duality of both the face of Creation longing for the peace and protection of Glory; while at the same time, we also see the face of the Creator with indescribable mercy and compassion. Isn't this true of the reflective image of God that we see in all of nature? In the beauty, playfulness and majesty of His animals both large and small, we have insight to the heart and person of God. It is our responsibility to protect these great gifts of the animal kingdom. We must stop cruelty. We must safeguard habitats and further conservation efforts to protect their young. We must teach our children to not only observe the world, but also to participate and care for it. I saw a video recently of a porcupine dancing at the sight of his caretaker and reaching pointy paws up for hugs. This was God's idea of dominion. Everything needs God's love. Tacy Rose was a bunny that I had rescued from abuse. She would leap in the air with great joy whenever the Presence of the Lord would be made manifest. If I'm ministering in someone's home the dogs and cats will come and gather at my feet. It is the anointing that they are drawn toward. Plus, the Lord has tenderly and miraculously healed my animals many times through the years. Once, I officiated at a "Blessing and Prayer Day" for animals through the Humane Society. At one particularly poignant moment in the message a large dog barked as if to say "Amen". I thought, now this is my kind of church! Beloved, in loving one another and loving the animals He has entrusted to us, we are offering the Lord a true act of worship. I know, because He has told me so.
About the Artist - Brianna
Brianna M. is a beautiful young artist who loves the Lord and has great affection for His creation. Her story is a remarkable one of courage and endurance in the hardest of circumstances. She has a light that just shines of God's joy with a special anointing for compassion and mercy. All those that have the privilege of knowing her are inspired. Painting is one of her many talents and accomplishments. We are all excited to see what she will do next. We love your smile Brianna... We love YOU!
An excerpt from the new book "His Voice In The Cool" Coming soon!
Targa and A Bouquet of Pansies©
In the mid 90’s I went to work for a radio station in Southern California that specialized in playing contemporary Christian music. My manager, Debbie, was a pretty young woman whose family owned the station. I was brand new to the job and I had only been there a few weeks when Debbie took some days off due to an emergency. During her absence the Lord moved heavily on me to intercede in the Spirit and cover her in prayer.
(Note: I’ve decided to do something a little different with this story. I'm going to tell you now what had taken place with Debbie during her absence from the office. I didn't know any of this, however, when I prophesied to her a few days later when she came back to work. I'm telling the story in this manner, because it will help you to understand the impact of His words and the intimacy of His love for His daughter.)
Debbie had taken the days off to spend time with her dog that was dying. It was a beloved female German shepherd, named Targa. The Lord had actually healed Targa of cancer once before, but she was an old companion now and Debbie knew her pet would not overcome. Debbie had raised Targa from a puppy and the dog had been God’s gift to her during some of the worst moments of her life. They had a very special bond. In the last few hours of Targa’s life she lay on the floor throughout the night with the big dog in her arms. Stroking Targa’s fur, her heart cried out to the Lord in prayer. The gentle shepherd had loved children her whole life, so with that in mind, Debbie petitioned her savior. “Please Lord" she asked, "If Targa could only be with children in Heaven, then I know she’ll be alright.” Targa passed away in the morning and was buried. Later that evening, however, still numb from grief, Debbie routinely filled the dog bowl with water. She wept when she realized, of course, that Targa would not be there to drink it.
Remember, I was brand new on the job and didn’t really know my boss at all. I certainly did not know that she owned a dog, which makes this story so amazing.
Upon Debbie's return, the Lord came and told me that my boss was hurting and that He wanted to bless her. I didn’t know if she would be open to prophetic ministry and was delighted when she agreed. As we began to pray, I could feel her sorrow. I told her that the Lord was showing me a German shepherd drinking from a lake in Heaven. Debbie’s stunning big green eyes filled with tears. “Don’t worry” Jesus gently comforted her “Targa drinks from the lakes of Heaven now.” Then I told her that I saw the Lord walking toward the lake accompanied by lots of children. They were all traveling down a tree lined path to where Targa was now resting by the lake after her long drink. “I’m bringing the children, Debbie” He assured her “I’m bringing the children. Targa won't be alone.” When the dog saw the children, she padded over to them, and they all gathered around the shepherds neck loving and petting her. At this moment, Debbie released a full flow of tears. Finally, I saw the Lord handing Debbie a bouquet of flowers. I told her that the bouquet of flowers was very significant to the Lord. He had handpicked them especially for her for this specific moment. I tried to describe the unusual flowers to her because I didn't know the name of them. He continued to pour out words of love, kindness and comfort. He said that she was His child and that because of His deep love for Debbie that He would spend time with Targa Himself. He wouldn’t send an angel or representative, but that He would personally walk with the dog for awhile, and that is how He closed out His prophetic blessing. I saw the Lord walking with Targa at His right side and children skipping and running around them as they headed down the path to deep Heaven. His anointing was so thick, His peace tangible.
When we felt His Presence lift, she inquired once again about the flower bouquet. I couldn’t really describe them well, but I could draw, so I sketched them for her. They were pansies! Now in earlier historical times, flowers were used for specific messages with specific meanings of communication. So we looked up the reference. Pansies and Heartsies were given on the occasion of the "loss of a loved one". Oh, my gosh! Isn’t that amazing? The Lord Jesus had brought Debbie a bouquet of pansies at the loss of her precious loved one, her Targa.
Debbie has been my beautiful and treasured friend now for 22 years. She on the VITC board of directors and oversees all of our radio pursuits, with a special love and vision for those who do not know Jesus. I make sure that Targa’s story is played on the radio often and I tell it now to you.
If you are grieving over the loss of a special animal, the Lord does not think you are foolish. His heart is very near to you.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for hearing my heart on this matter. I hope the story of Targa has comforted those who have needed it. For others, I hope that it has expanded your thinking of Heaven and the heart of our living God. In Jesus, Rusti