It is a ministry of revealing Jesus Christ as Lord!
Foundational to Biblical truths, Voice In The Cool Ministries TM brings the prophetic voice of God in an intensely unique and personal manner. True prophesy, however, is not a condescending comfort. There is an apostolic anointing on this ministry to establish the Kingdom of Heaven and to bring real breakthrough for the Body of Christ in spiritual and physical realms. Although He is supremely kind, He is God and untamed. He is real peace and real truth. He is the One that is able to free you from satanic oppression; and the tyranny of fear and sin. His love is power. He will engage and challenge like no other. Today, He brings with Him all of His gifts of salvation, miracles, healing, signs, wonders and deliverance for your victory. How will you respond? Knowing Him, however, is the real prize and the object of His purpose. This is a ministry where the Holy Spirit leads. In obedience to His leadership, we at VITC are here to help you in your growth toward Christian maturity and to advance you in your journey of knowing God.
The Trinity
We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Philippians 2:6; John 14:21-26, John 1:1)
The Holy Scriptures
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is the infallible rule of faith and conduct as a Christian. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, 1 Thessalonians 2:13).
The Creation and Salvation of Man
We believe in divine creation, and that salvation is only available through the acceptance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who paid the penalty of death for man. We believe that God's plan for Salvation is a complete plan, which begins with the "new birth" and continues in life long-pursuit of excellence and relationship to a living God. We believe that salvation includes both redemption and full restoration. As such, man is to be restored into the spiritual creation of the Father's original intent, "to be made and conformed into the image of God". (Genesis Chapters 1-3, Romans, 3:10, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, I John 3:8, ! John 5:12, John 3: 3-5, Ephesians 2:8)
The Body of Christ
We believe in the church which is the Body of Christ, and the fellowship of believers. We believe that the Body of Christ represents believers worldwide who hold to the principles of His birth, life, death upon the cross and resurrection. We do not believe in only one man made church, institution or one particular denomination. Jesus said "No man comes to the Father except by Me".
Water Baptism
We believe that water baptism is a commandment of God and was demonstrated by Jesus Christ who was baptized in water by John the Baptist. It is for the believer of Jesus Christ. Water baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12, Acts 8: 36-39).
Holy Spirit Baptism
We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire is a gift of God, imparted to believers as the inheritance of salvation. This gift is the promise of Jesus that we would receive the Comforter. It is the gift of empowerment and greater intimacy of relationship with God. As such, it is only available after receiving salvation. The experience is accompanied by the occurrence of receiving a "heavenly language" or "speaking in tongues" which represents your new born spirit in intimate communication with God through the power of the Holy Spirit . We believe that as a "born again", "spirit-filled" believer of Jesus Christ, our spiritual person has been made alive to God, and this behavior is in character with who we are in Christ. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are still present in the Body of Christ today, demonstrated through speaking in tongues, prophetic revelation and the laying on of hands for miracles, healing and deliverance.
(Matthew 3:11, John 14: 16-17, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:38-39, Acts 19:1-7, Acts 2:4.)
Divine Healing and the Working of Miracles
We believe Jesus is the same... "yesterday, today and forever!" Everything that you read about Him, in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John can be written of Him today! To receive the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ with miracles, healing and deliverance is the inheritance of the saints and belongs to those who have received His salvation.
We believe in walking in holiness and the working out of your commitment to God by faith throughout your lifetime. (Hebrews 12:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 2Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippian 3:12-14, 1 Corinthians 1:30).
Hell and Eternal Separation
We believe that the Devil and demons are created beings that chose rebellion to the Glory and Lordship of God. We believe that the Devil and demons are accursed according to scripture. When we choose to live in opposition and rebellion to the love and mercy of God, we open spiritual doors to the influence and control of the Devil and demons. We believe that Hell is a literal place. We believe that through sin mankind has been separated from the Love of God, but that through the blood of Christ on the cross we are redeemed. (Hebrews 9:27, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:15).
Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
We believe that spiritual warfare is a reality during this period of global history. It is, what we call, the "choosing time" for the salvation of man. We believe there is no power greater than God's power; and that the name of Jesus has the authority above every other name... in Heaven, on Earth and in Hell. Even as a Christian, we can make decisions which open doors to demonic influence in our lives. The Word of God is true, the wages of sin is death. But remember, if you opened the door, return to the Lord, ask His forgiveness and receive His salvation which is able to deliver you from evil. Then feed on the Word of God to strengthen you and keep the doors closed.
We believe that Jesus is Lord and He is able to deliver you from all Satanic oppression and interference. In Psalms we read, " I sought the Lord and He heard my cry and delivered me from all my fears!" Faith is the opposite of fear... BELIEVE in Him and His power to help you. Let the peace and mercy of God deliver you from all your fears... and come into the blessings of God and Heaven for you! (Ephesians 6:11)
The Return of Jesus Christ or the Second Coming
We believe in the return of Jesus Christ or the Second Coming of Christ as revealed and described in the scriptures: As the believers watched Jesus ascend into the clouds, the angels said: "This same Jesus shall come again in like manner". Thessalonians tells us that "the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive shall be caught up in the clouds.... to meet the Lord in the air". The Bible also speaks in Revelation of the establishment of a new government in which the saints of God will rule and reign with Christ. (Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4:16-17))